Kevin Suitor / Redline Communications Keynote Tuesday, February 21, 2007 - 08:00
Some key things learned from Katrina and past disasters:
* First responders often showed up with incompatible communications systems, so "infrastructure" like Broadband Wireless Internet Access communications needs to be flexible on how you allow them to plug in
* Response is usually late - need to stockpile equipment to be ready
* License-exempt ruled; no licensed; would have taken too long
* VOIP was 80% of IP communications traffic; voice is mission-critical
* Frequency Management was very important; interference impacted mission-critical voice
* Licensed links that are destroyed are often replaced in the short term with license-exempt links and since they're causing interference to established license-exempt links
* Mounting hardware was crucial... couldn't set up link, thus couldn't communicate without ability to mount the antenna
* Better to be conservative - when stocking, default to 2' (as opposed to 1') dishes and long cables.
"Hastily Formed Network" is now well-recognized concept and terminology
* Regular exercises
"In any large-scale catastrophe, the first thing to go is communication. You have to plan for that." Dr. James Gregory
Resilience - The capacity to absorb shocks gracefully; difference from redundant which assumes individual component / system / link failure
When you construct Resilient or Redundant systems, you have to test them - UPS', backup files (tape), failover onto backup links Redline advocates WISPs selling business-grade links as "business continuity solution" - so your employees don't have downtime. When you factor in the productivity losses, a backup wireless link is a cheap investment Another opportunity is business sparing for servers; having servers staged at the ISP ready to help small businesses who have servers that go down or are destroyed due to disaster.
New opportunity - Storage Area Networking, IS applicable to WISPs.
Product Anouncement: AN-80i - FCC certified for operation in new 255 MHz of 5.4 GHz band, 9 Mbps - 90 Mbps upgradeable with software keys, 10/20/40 MHz cnannels, PMP is in beta, Power Over Ethernet (all outdoor), simple mounting - starts at under $2000 per end. Specifically designed to be a good match for Wi-Fi mesh systems. See full details in Press Release at
By Steve Stroh
This article is Copyright © 2007 by Steve Stroh
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