One of the most exciting things about starting Stroh Publications LLC was that I would finally be able to do a reasonable job of following and writing about all the segments that make up what I see as the Broadband Wireless Internet Access industry, and none more so than Wireless Internet Service Providers - WISPs.
I've never had an "outlet" for my writing where I was able to do justice to all that I've learned, and continue to learn about WISPs. Considering that I got my start writing (Boardwatch Magazine, Wireless Data Developments column, April, 1997) about ISPs that were starting to use wireless, it stung a bit when I have been told by WISPs that they didn't relate very well to most of what I wrote because they "didn't see themselves" in my writing - technological developments in systems for licensed spectrum (like current-generation WiMAX gear), cellular service providers, Metropolitan Wi-Fi systems, satellite Broadband Internet Access, mobile broadband, etc.
Well, that's now changed. As part of the Stroh Publications LLC business model, I have a dedicated venue to cover the WISP industry - Wireless Internet Service Provider News - or WISP News, or I intend WISP News to be "All WISP, all the time". I want to dive deep into WISP business models, challenges, technology, and other topics of specific interest to WISPs, as well as offer editorial comment when I think it's needed.
WISP News will be a mix of original content and "referrers", and will often feature mentions of my postings on other Stroh Publications LLC sites that I think are directly relevant to WISPs. I'll get a lot of source material, especially inspiration for stories, from the three WISP mailing lists that I monitor -'s "isp-wireless,'s "wisp", and WISPA's "wispa". I'll try to do justice to what and WISPA are doing.
I'll be writing WISP News in an informal, relaxed style, much like the tone on all three of the mailing lists.
In the coming weeks and months, please let me know you think about WISP News - steve at steve stroh <-oneword dot net.